
Personal Development Coach in Vaughan

If you need a personal development coach in Vaughan, choose Felicia Pizzonia. She tailors every coaching session to your individual unique needs. She offers a variety of unique coaching methods, including invaluable guidance for publishing books. She emphasizes the importance of having a published ebook or book and how to use it as a marketing tool.
Her tools for leadership development coaching also include proven sales techniques through platforms like The Science of Closing Sales.

Mindset Coach in Vaughan

Felicia has the experience and a growth mindset that provides results. One of her specialties as a mindset coach is helping you reprogram your subconscious mind. She offers a program that promises to accomplish this goal within 66 days. It focuses on aligning thoughts with business and personal goals.

Felicia believes that book publishing can be another essential marketing tool. She offers a workshop that details how clients can publish a book in as little as six months.

Contact her for a coaching session in a few different ways. Some clients prefer in-person sessions, while others are fine with meetings on the phone, FaceTime, or Skype.

Sales Coach in Vaughan

Sales coaching and development is another specialty of Felicia Pizzonia. Her programs and workshops focus on actionable, practical methods, designed to improve sales through scientific strategies and mind-conditioning techniques.

These tools have been specifically designed for sales professionals like you who want to increase their numbers and revenue. She is a sales coach in Vaughan and uses innovative techniques to help you understand the psychological aspects of selling.

Entrepreneurship Coach in Vaughan

Felicia is a revenue coach who uses techniques, including strategies and workshops for strategic growth. She’s an entrepreneurship coach in Vaughan, who is dedicated to helping you achieve your business objectives and align your efforts with long-term goals and core values.

She offers several successful workshops, including Write Your Way to Profits. Felicia knows that book publishing can be a powerful marketing tool and wants to share her experience.

Mind Candy is another successful program she offers. It focuses on retraining your subconscious mind to help you achieve your business goals. Felicia Pizzonia has written several books, including Babes in Business Suits and Success Secrets of the Top Women Entrepreneurs of the World.