
Personal Coaching

Felicia’s Guarantee!
We will visit on the phone, FaceTime, Skype or in person for a half hour. During our visit we will determine if you are “coachable” I can't know for sure if we will be a good match but even if we're not, I guarantee one thing, After we're through visiting, your entire way of looking at life and how you live from your heart and ultimately the way you earn money will change FOREVER!

Following is a snapshot of the things you'll learn during our coaching sessions:

1. What is it that you truly desire to achieve in your life?
2. What are your three highest values in life and how to live the life you desire. Your life is a reflection of your three highest values. I will help you determine them and live from your heart.
3. Are you willing to take massive, calculated action to rewire your brain for success?
4. How to use the science of closing sales in order to double or triple your annual sales revenue by using my proven methods. (
5. The importance of having your own published book or E book and how to get it published in 90 days!
6. How to upgrade your vocabulary and use powerful, delicious trigger words that ultimately make you more desirable in your industry and all aspects of life.
7. Mastermind sessions that will help you create multiple streams of income, with many being residual income streams so you free up time in order to create and focus on your highest values!
8. I will help you create your Mind Candy Code so you can program your subconscious mind within 66 days of implementing my proven formula. We will, together, rewire your brain and reprogram your subconscious mind so you live in an equilibrated mind and ultimately achieve all your goals.

Coaching & Mentoring with Felicia Pizzonia